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What exactly are CBD-infused gummi bears, you inquire? What, specifically, are the health benefits?

Cannabidiol (CBD) Gummies are edibles that include this cannabinoid (CBD oil). They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and levels of CBD. Gummies have grown in popularity among long-time CBD users and those who have never tried the drug before because of its discrete nature. Learn more about cbd gummies.

However, given that the great majority of CBD products aren’t FDA-authorized, their potencies & purities may vary considerably, even within the same brand.

There is still no solid evidence that CBD gummies offer any health benefits

CBD candy makers claim their product reduces anxiety, depression, pain, and inflammation and improves sleep. The Food and Drug Administration has approved CBD oil (Epidiolex) for the treatment of seizures associated with epilepsy.

Studies assessing CBD oil’s effectiveness, however, did not include gummies. Now that hemp and marijuana are treated differently by the law, additional studies will likely be done to confirm CBD oil’s purported health benefits.

Though there is no concrete evidence that gummies are effective, several people report feeling better after eating them. Probably because of the significant placebo effect (taking something to relieve your condition makes you feel better even if that product contains nothing). Many candies have much sugar added to them to conceal the strong taste of CBD.

Can you get the jitters from eating CBD gummies?

Since CBD gummies are THC-free, they will not have the same psychoactive effects as traditional marijuana edibles. Cannabidiol (CBD) is derived from hemp, which has minimal THC. The compound responsible for cannabis’ intoxicating effects is called THC. Hemp is no longer legal to grow if it contains more than 0.3% THC, making its growers subject to criminal penalties.

The cannabidiol (CBD) found in hemp is its primary active ingredient and does not produce intoxicating effects. However, CBD has been linked to reducing stress, inflammation, insomnia, and discomfort; these claims have not been independently validated.

What are the primary distinctions among cannabidiol (CBD), cannabis (including hemp), marijuana (including THC), and other related cannabinoids?

People often confuse CBD with other terms for the cannabis family, such as hemp, marijuana, CBD, and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). No, they aren’t. Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa are the two most common cannabis plants. While the Cannabis Indica family may be used to produce both marijuana and hemp, only the Cannabis Sativa family can be used to produce actual cannabis.

While both hemp and marijuana have specific characteristics, the primary difference is that hemp has almost little THC. This is the compound that gives marijuana its euphoric effects. Federal law states that hemp must contain more than 0.3% THC, or the growers might face criminal charges.

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